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Is BMJ Learning for me?

BMJ Learning offers high-quality CME/CPD and postgraduate training for doctors and other healthcare professionals. Accessible via your OpenAthens username and password BMJ Learning features hundreds of accredited peer-reviewed learning modules in text, video and audio formats.

When you sign in to BMJ Learning you’ll see your own personal homepage, which displays modules tailored to you based on your profession, specialty and location. BMJ Learning is closely integreated with BMJ Portfolio. Once you register with BMJ Learning you will have your own confidential record of all the modules you take.

BMJ Learning has modules suitable for anyone who works in healthcare, including:

You can use BMJ Learning as an individual, or to learn with your colleagues as a team. Learning together has many advantages. You can exchange information and experiences, and you can share different insights and perspectives on clinical and ethical dilemmas.

Published evidence shows that BMJ Learning is an effective educational tool for doctors and other health professionals, across a wide range of specialties. Evidence for the effectiveness of BMJ Learning has appeared in a variety of independent, peer-reviewed medical publications.


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